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On No Enforcement of Foreign Key Constraints

This note is about foreign key enforcement, as in FOREIGN KEY column_id_here REFERENCES parent_table(target_column) and not about putting parent’s id in the child tables

Common reasoning of using FK enforcement (split into 2):

  1. Garbage/dangling data can’t be inserted
  2. On update/delete of parent’s key, also update/delete/set null on child’s table automatically (CASCADE / SET NULL / DO NOTHING)


  1. (Against reason 1) As I argued here, insert can be easily managed by not allowing hard delete (a common pattern). While this may also be a read, but it doesn’t need to do so in a transaction, which increases concurrency. Can also be easily cache somewhere else
  2. (Against reason 2) While it is easy to use automatic update/delete cascade/etc, it is also a performance landmine, as most of the time without actually querying it people don’t know how much table/rows/etc will be affected by update/delete of a row in parent table. On an extreme case, this can take lots of time and resulting in a downtime.
  3. It complicates migration